ALFVEN MODE CYCLOTRON MASERS IN SPACE. The most popular ebook you want to read is Cambridge Atmospheric And Space Science Series Whistler. Whistler and Alfven Mode Cyclotron Masers in Space ISBN 9780521871983 354 Trakhtengerts, V. Y./ Rycroft, M. J. The subject of wave-particle interactions occurring in space plasmas has developed strongly, both observationally and theoretically, since the discovery of the Whistler and Alfven mode cyclotron masers in space Trakhtengerts V.Y., Rycroft M.J. 2008 | 366 Pages | ISBN: 0521871980 | PDF | 7 MB. Basic theory of cyclotron masers (CMs); 3. Nonlinear cyclotron wave-particle interactions for a quasi-monochromatic wave; 6. Nonlinear interaction of quasi-monochromatic whistler mode waves with gyroresonant electrons in an in homogeneous plasma; 7. An Introduction to Space Plasma Complexity Tom Tien Sun Chang Trakhtengerts and M. J. Rycroft Whistler and Alfv